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Funny how

a clear sky and some sun

some melting sun

can vanquish, effortlessly and unnoticed,

the grey that yesterday

would drown our greyness in its own

and challenge life with winter.


With all the riches of our sometimes noble loves and dreams—

your body’s peaceful early morning warmth,

the slogans, borne or not, that are the reasons for our living—

Peace America More Money for Our Schools

Duty Responsibility

our children—all children

Protest Patriotism

Decency Faith Shankar is a Racist Bastard Peace

the lies and lives we live for others,

and, occasionally, ourselves;


With all the conjuring of our fantasies

(no double time for holidays)

Of unicorns and hobbits,

of light and life and hope and love

which we at times invent

unless lucky or deluded, we remember,

within the context of the charnel house

that is our world;


With all the impersonal, self-important briskness,

neatly tailored,

which marks the workings of our punch-card lives,

appointments, possessions, schedules,

checks, cancelled and otherwise,

taxes, balance sheets, time out of lunch: leave the waitress a dime,

assorted reckonings, all alphabetical,

which show us, if discerning,

for what we choose to sell ourselves;


How very strange

that in the face of these, our several (most important) worlds,

a clear sky and some sun

are all that matters.


